Members of the CPI Executive Committee (EC) are selected each year by the CPI Chair and ratified by the full Council. The EC meets for a coordination meeting the first Wednesday of every month from 11:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. and invites research administrative representatives from Texas A&M, HSC, TEES, TTI, and AgriLife Research to attend.
The CPI EC also meets regularly with the Texas A&M President, Provost and Vice President for Research; Distinguished Professor’s Executive Committee; The Texas A&M University System Chancellor; and Congressman Bill Flores and other representatives or administrators upon request.
The CPI-EC can be contacted by sending an email to
2012-2013 CPI Officers (officers are standing members of the Executive Committee)

Reza Langari, Chair
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dwight Look College of Engineering
CPI Membership Term: 2011-2014
External Committees: CPI Executive Committee

Niall Slowey, Vice Chair
Department of Oceanography
College of Geosciences
CPI Membership Term: 2012-2015
External Committees: CPI Executive Committee; Office of Sponsored Research Services (OSRS) PI/Faculty Advisory Committee (PIFAC) – CPI Representative

Lawrence Rauchwerger, Past Chair
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Dwight Look College of Engineering
CPI Membership Term: 2009-2012 (extended through 2013 as Past Chair)
External Committees: CPI Executive Committee; Office of Sponsored Research Services (OSRS) PI/Faculty Advisory Committee (PIFAC) – TEES Representative; Task Force on Research Data Stewardship at Texas A&M University; Chancellor Research Initiative Advisory Committee
2012-2013 Executive Committee (terms extend from September 1st through August 31st)

Nancy Amato
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Dwight Look College of Engineering
CPI Membership Term: 2011-2014 (2nd term)
External Committees: CPI Executive Committee; TIAS Administrative Council

Mary Bryk
Department of Biochemistry/Biophysics
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
CPI Membership Term: 2012 – 2015 (2nd term)
External Committees: CPI Executive Committee; Teaching Laboratory Safety Committee for Texas A&M; Council for Strategic Budgeting; Sub-Council for Strategic Reallocation

Mary Meagher
Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts
CPI Membership Term: 2011-2014 (second term)
External Committees: CPI Executive Committee

Eva Shipp
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
TAMHSC School of Rural Public Health
CPI Membership Term: 2011-2014
External Committees: CPI Executive Committee

Lori Taylor
Bush School of Government and Public Service
CPI Membership Term: 2011-2014 (second term)
External Committees: CPI Executive Committee

Terry Thomas
Department of Biology
College of Science
CPI Membership Term: 2011-2014
External Committees: CPI Executive Committee; Office of Sponsored Research Services (OSRS) PI/Faculty Advisory Committee (PIFAC)– Representative for the A&M System Office of Research; Task Force on Research Data Stewardship at Texas A&M University; Texas A&M University Research Administration Committee (TRAC)

Heather Wilkinson
Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
CPI Membership Term: 2011-2014
External Committees: CPI Executive Committee